Developing with npm & Gulp
UnderStrap uses npm as a dependency manager for packages like Bootstrap and Underscores. It also uses Gulp as a taskrunner to compile SASS code into .css, minify Javascript code etc.
Preparations: Install node.js and Gulp
At first you need node.js and Gulp installed on your computer globally. If you have already done this before - skip this section.
If not: You have to install npm (comes along with node.js) and Gulp before you can proceed.
node.js, npm and Gulp are cross-platform, which means you can run them under Windows, MacOs and Linux!
To install node.js visit the node.js website for the latest installer for your OS. Download and install it like any other program.
Gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow. Platform-agnostic - Integrations are built into all major IDEs and people are using gulp with PHP, .NET, Node.js, Java, and other platforms.
To install gulp globally, open up a terminal and execute
npm install --global gulp-cli
Installing Theme Dependencies
Make sure you have installed Node.js on your computer globally.
Then open your terminal and browse to the location of your UnderStrap copy.
npm install
Theme Setup
UnderStrap contains a configuration file called gulpconfig.json
found in the theme root. To use BrowserSync to refresh the website on file change you will have to configure your proxy settings. By default the proxy is set to localhost/wordpress/
, change this to your sites URL.
Getting Started Developing with BrowserSync
To get started developing on your new UnderStrap based theme, open a console and navigate to the UnderStrap theme folder. Then to start watching for file changes and browser refresh with BrowserSync execute:
gulp watch-bs
A new browser tab will load in your browser and any changes made to files in ./scss and ./js will automatically be compiled and your browser tab will be refreshed.